Thriving In Dynamic Times: Turning Headwinds Into Tailwinds Part 7: The CIO’s Two Best Friends Should Be the CFO and the CHRO

As context and for convenience, here’s the original overview post in full. Although there’s a lot more to talk about, and we intend to carry on the conversation over the coming months and years, I would like to cap off this series with some thoughts on executive and cross-functional teamwork. As a CIO, I’ve always […]
Thriving In Dynamic Times: Turning Headwinds Into Tailwinds Part 6: Portfolio Modernization

Build Organizational Muscle. As context and for convenience, here’s the original overview post in full. Picking up with the focus of this post… the key is to have a plan, know what you would do and use the crisis to advance your strength and capability. If you don’t, you’ll be weaker and hamper the resilience […]
Technology Impact on Business Economics in a Crisis

Today’s crisis has every business looking at cost-cutting measures. Extreme pressures are forcing extreme responses. The challenge for business leaders is figuring out how to respond to these pressures and leave the organization in a better position when we come out of this. As Charlie Feld recently said in his blog post, Thriving in Dynamic […]
Thriving In Dynamic Times: Turning Headwinds Into Tailwinds Part 5: Architectural Re-Use and Leverage

Build Organizational Muscle. As context and for convenience, here’s the original overview post in full. Picking up with the focus of this post… the key is to have a plan, know what you would do and use the crisis to advance your strength and capability. If you don’t, you’ll be weaker and hamper the resilience […]
Facts Matter: “The Cube”

A fundamental part of our framework is that it is critical to get, and then always maintain, a clear and common understanding of the Current State as the foundation of running IT, transforming IT and business, and leading through times of big change or crisis. A good Current State: Explains the history and the physics […]