Back To The Future Series: Alignment

Charlie Feld has always stressed the importance of making sure leaders have a shared vision throughout a transformation. 20 years ago, I had the good fortune to work for a company where Charlie Feld was the CIO and I can share first hand the positive impact of maintaining this alignment. Charlie spent much of his […]
Back To The Future Series: “Getting IT Right”

This week’s “Back To The Future Series” post is a Harvard Business Review article, “Getting IT Right”, co-authored by Charlie. We think it will captivate you, not only because of the insight and vision Charlie shows in this piece, but because of the accuracy with which he depicted the challenges IT and business would be […]
Back To The Future Series: Portfolio Modernization

Over time, we consistently hear feedback from our class participants, alumni, community, and clients, “You’ve got to share more of Charlie’s thoughts about this!” We have been looking for additional ways to provide Charlie’s insight to our leadership community and plan to do even more going forward. As we organize new resources and go back […]