The Time Is NOW: An Executive Summary For Leaders

During the spring, as the coronavirus spread, changing modern life and work as most of us have known it, we were all required to mobilize and transform at a scale and pace not previously imagined. Enterprises that were in the process of transforming before the pandemic have fared better during this disruption than those that […]
Leading the Acceleration of Digital Transformation Part 6: HOW Do We Get The Value For Our Investments?

This is the continuation of the fourth part of an ongoing series, where I’m using the framework of WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO from my book Blind Spot: A Leader’s Guide To IT-Enabled Business Transformation – enhanced with stories and analogies – to help business leaders to understand the Digital and IT transformation journey in very […]
Leading the Acceleration of Digital Transformation Part 5: HOW Accounting Practices Shaped Our Legacy IT “Hairball”

This is the continuation of the fourth part of an ongoing series, where I’m using the framework of WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO from my book Blind Spot: A Leader’s Guide To IT-Enabled Business Transformation – enhanced with stories and analogies – to help business leaders to understand the Digital and IT transformation journey in very […]
Leading the Acceleration of Digital Transformation Part 4: HOW We Build IT to Last by Designing for Change

How Can We Create an Architecture That’s Built to Last Because It’s Designed for Change? This is the continuation of part of an ongoing series, where I’m using the framework of WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO from my book Blind Spot: A Leader’s Guide To IT-Enabled Business Transformation – enhanced with stories and analogies – to […]
Leading the Acceleration of Digital Transformation Part 3: Changing HOW the Technology is Built

How Can We Create an Architecture That’s Built to Last Because It’s Designed for Change? This is the third part of an ongoing series, where I’m using the framework of WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO from my book Blind Spot: A Leader’s Guide To IT-Enabled Business Transformation – enhanced with stories and analogies – to help […]
Leading the Acceleration of Digital Transformation Part 2: The WHAT is Business Agility

The last few months have clarified WHY we need to change, and that the time is NOW. Only a few senior leaders are still wondering or resisting that premise. The real challenge, for the entire executive team, is to think about the WHAT. What should we do about it? If we zoom way out, what […]
The Feld Group Institute and Scaled Agile, Inc. Collaboration and White Paper

As an “Institute”, we are a professional organization dedicated to leadership development; this allows us not only to teach but also to learn from clients, our Affiliates, program participants, and partners, all while keeping pace with market trends. As we continue to work with more than 40 large enterprises in our community, we’ve witnessed and […]
Becoming an Agile Business

Any successful digital transformation must start with the end in mind and describe what victory would look like. In this modern era, simply stated, the Future Vision for any business leadership team should be an agile business model that can continuously innovate at speed and scale. Most businesses can look forward 3-5 years and say […]